Sr. No.RFQ/Tender NameStarting DateClosing DateDownloadAdvertisementRFQUploadNotice*
13Tender for Job Outsourcing02-01-202418-02-2024 N/A UP COMMING
12Tender for Security Outsourcing18-12-202322-01-2024 N/A

11Tender for Manpower Outsourcing (Daily)18-12-202322-01-2024 N/A

10Tender of Pre-Cast Wall Installation14-12-202316-01-2024 N/A

09Tender of Automatic Straw Counting and Packing Machine 06-12-202308-01-2024 N/A

08Tender of LN2 Container for Frozen Semen Straws Storage05-06-202330-06-2023N/A

07Tender for Documentary Film10-03-202304-04-2023 N/A
06Tender for Security Outsourcing14-02-202314-03-2023 N/A
05Tender for Manpower Outsourcing (Daily)14-02-202314-03-2023 N/A
04Tender for Job Outsourcing16-01-202318-02-2023N/A
03Enquiry for Empanelment of CA Firm23-11-202226-12-2022N/A
02Tender for Job Outsourcing12-09-202226-09-2022N/A
01Tender for Job Outsourcing17-05-202208-06-2022NA


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